Welcome to our site, devoted to the little niche of Hell we like to call IB!
Everyone else has
a web site these days, so we figured, why not us,
too? After all, what better way to help the world (and rake up CAS hours) than
passing on our knowledge to future (and present) IBers?
If you’re at this site, you presumably know what IB is. For any
innocents who have stumbled upon it, IB is an acronym (oh yes, we can use big
words) for International Baccalaureate (lots of big words!), a program which
was started by some crazy European guy (by the name of John Goormaghtigh) who
decided (in 1968) that the normal course work at public schools wasn’t nearly
enough, and so decided to multiply normal course work by ten (or, more
accurately, by √99.73) in order to “develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring
young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through
intercultural understanding and respect.” (By the way, IB students are known to
never, ever, ever use run-on sentences. Ever.)
Again, for those of you who don’t know, Palmer High School (home of the Terrors, of all things) has a fabulous,
amazing, rapidly shrinking IB program, which most of the contributors to this site either belong to now (meaning they are
insane) or once belonged to (meaning they were once insane, and have spent long periods of time in Cedar Springs.) However,
much as we complain, you know we love the T-E-R-R-O-R-S, brown and white, and Eaglebeak the Indian just as much as everyone
else. If you’re not a fabulous Terror, you’re still welcome on this site, and we’re sure there will be things
which will help you as you navigate the treacherous H2Os of IB.
