Silly Ways to Get CAS hours:
(if you can pull it off, more power to you!)
-hire a troupe of flying chimps to swing on bedposts in hospital rooms. Count this as Service-- you're entertaining those
poor, sick children.
-Spend seventeen hours texting on your cell-phone. Count as creativity Hours... you're using a foreign language. lol.
- Write all your CAS forms in perfect IAMBIC PANTAMATER, making sure that the third word of each line begins with the
letter Q.
-Tell all your friends and IB co-prisoners that you are doing this, and convince them to help you
- start a small-scale war between the IBO and the IBS (IB Students).
- Expand the war to become a full-scale world war, complete with scientific investigations into the wartime benefits of
-Convince your compatriots to stop writing in Iambic Pentameter.
-Accept the Nobel Peace prize for ending the war.
-Write up your hours for the above, making sure that all your writing is alliteration.
- Repeat.
-Right up all of your literary endeavors on CAS forms as Creativity.
- Glue thumb tacks, pointy side up, to a piece of cardboard. Send it to the US military as aid in questioning sessions.
Use as all three.
And if you're really desperate...
sleep with your IB Coordinator, and count it as action. I'm sure they'll... approve your hours. *wink*
Serious ways to get CAS HOURS
We are still working on more if you have any ideas email us!!
- C-Art Club
- C-Band
- C-Orchestra
- C-Ceramics
- C-Choreography
- C-Drama
- C-Theater
- C-Literary Magazine
- C-Newspaper
- C-Science Club
- C-Chorus
- C-Madrigals
- C- Madrigals
- C-Writing Club
- C-Debate
- C-Forensics
- C-Yearbook
- A-Baseball
- A-Horse Back Riding
- A-Basketball
- A-Cheerleading
- A-Pompon
- A-Cross Country
- A-Indoor Track
- A-Soccer
- A-Crew
- A-Softball
- A-Cycling
- A-Swimming
- A-Dance
- A-Tennis
- A- Field Hockey
- A-Volley Ball
- A-Football
- A-Wrestling
- A-Golf
- S-Mathletes
- S-Peer Counseling
- S-Church Group
- S-Scouting Service
- S-Computer Club
- S-Student Government
- S-International Club
- S-Tutoring
- S-Volunteer in Camps
- S-Volunteer in Women’s Shelters
- S-Volunteer in Day Car Centers
- S- Volunteer in Nursing Homes
- S- Volunteer in Elementary Schools
- S- Volunteer in Soup Kitchens