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The IB Survival 101 Blog
Saturday, 3 June 2006
Mood:  happy
Yay! We've Finlay gotten a blog up and running. Now I, administrator #1, have never used a blog before in my life, so we'll see how this goes. I clicked this little button that says something to the effect of 'lots of people can use this blog' so, hopefully, everyone will be able to add anecdotes or whatever you want. That's the idea, anyway. we'll have to see if it works in practice.

Posted by palmerib at 5:21 PM MDT

Wednesday, 27 September 2006 - 8:34 PM MDT

Name: "Julia Leonard"

So my little sister has just joined the fabulous world of IB. That's right, folks, after seeing all the suffering and staying up to all hours I do, she's decided that that's the life for her. On May 21, 2006, she joined the IBMYP program at North Middle School as a sixth grader. This prompted me to think... why would someone as smart as her, who's seen everything I go through for IB decide to follow in my footsteps. And the answer, dear freinds? Peer Pressure. That's why we all join IB. Oh, we can say that it's our parents making it, but if you really probe into any IB student's mind, they do it because that's what their freinds are doing, because that's the 'cool' (if IB kids can be cool) thing to do. Me, for example. I joined IB because that's where my freinds were going. I was pretty convinced i'd be happier in AP and Honors, yet I still chose IB. My sister and her freinds all followed older siblings into IB. Peer Pressure, Folks. Peer Pressure.

Thursday, 12 May 2011 - 12:41 AM MDT

Name: "was such a waste"

i love this site, you really do know you're an IB'er if you've ever thought those things or done any of them. 

Thursday, 12 May 2011 - 12:45 AM MDT

Name: "anonymous"

wow they start some places in sixth grade??

that's insane. in our area we start pre-IB in ninth and tenth then start it officially our junior year. you poor souls.... that really sucks you so don't know what you're getting yourself into as a sixth grader. even as freshmen none of us actually knew what it was all about. they dress it up as some wonderful thing colleges will love...a bunch of b.s. in the long run

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